About us

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering ranks among the oldest faculties in Pilsen and the best educational institutions, with an excellent reputation in science and research. We offer education, research and development with majors in both traditional engineering and modern areas such as nanotechnology, mechatronics, industrial design, etc.

We have close ties with technical universities abroad and in the Czech Republic, and also well-established cooperation with industrial partners. You have thus opportunities to receive quality education directly linked with up-to-date engineering practices. An integral part of the Faculty is the Regional Technological Institute (RTI) – a modern mechanical engineering and technological research centre. Thanks to our study programmes you will become a highly qualified specialist, very much in demand in the labour market.


Where to find us

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

University of West Bohemia
Univerzitní 22
301 00 Pilsen

Study programmes

Showing of 6 Show all

Admission and entrance exams


Kateřina Brandová

Head of the Office of the Academic Affairs


+ 420 377 638 010

The administrative fee for admission procedure is 500 CZK = 21 EUR = 24 USD.



Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

University of West Bohemia
Univerzitní 22
301 00 Pilsen